Looking For The Best Helium Balloons in Vancouver?

At One-Up, we have everything you need to celebrate, Near Downtown Vancouver by Fraser only 10 minutes away!

If you’re looking for specialty bouquets or balloon decorations for parties and corporate events, please check out:


Celebrating something? You need Helium Balloons!

If you need to jazz up your party and celebration, One Up Party can help you with our best selection of helium balloons and decorations! We’re located in Fraser St, Vancouver

Our balloons include “regular” or latex balloons, number balloons, foil balloons, bubbles balloons, and more! All our balloons come with free Helium (except latex balloons, see why and how much below)! Our staff and helium tanks are always ready and full so you won’t need to make an appointment! Just visit us at our location: 3363 Fraser St, Vancouver, BC V5V 2C2!

Want to learn more, check out our Instagram and see satisfied customers and testimonials!

Can I just show up?

Yes! No appointment is needed! Our helium tanks are always filled so we can inflate your balloons on the spot, Or if you are in a rush, or just don’t want to wait, you can always order our bouquets online here and select when you’ll be picking them up at our checkout page!

Can I bring my own balloons?

Yes! While we always recommend buying balloons from us because we offer complimentary helium and high-quality industry-leading balloons, we also offer our service if you need your own balloons filled up. Prices for filling up balloons with helium depend on their size.

Generally, helium prices are as follows (if you bring your own balloons):

10” ~ 12” balloons: $2

16” ~ 18” balloons: $7

20” ~ 25” balloons: $14

31” ~ 36” balloons: $38

How long do Helium Balloons Last?

Shortest Answer:

  • Latex Balloons 12-24 hours (Hi-float 1-4 weeks): 

  • Foil Balloons: 3-5 days.

  • Bubble Balloons: 2-4 weeks.

We also wrote an easy-to-understand article explaining How Long Do Helium Balloons Last?